Thursday, March 22, 2012

Marry Me

The band Train has a song I love called "Marry Me."

The lyric that I am most mesmerized by goes..."Marry me, today and every day."

For those of you that have been married for sometime, you know how easy it is to get into the rhythm of work, kids, house, daily obligations, etc. and how quickly we take the love of our lives for granted.

So the lyric reminds me that reconnecting and re-falling in love every day is so important.  We don't just wear a white dress and walk down an aisle once, we live our vows every day.

But how?

How do we consciously fall in love over and over and over and over again?  Especially, when we're tired, we're frustrated, we're stretched too thinly, we just want our space.

I think for me, it's remembering that he and I are on the same side.  We're in this journey together.  I once heard an anecdote that I adore...marriage is like base camp....each person climbs and climbs all day, experiencing the world, traversing the universe, encountering others, taking it all in...and once the day is done, they pick each other literally and metaphorically to serve as base share their tales, to encourage their spirits, to rejuvenate their souls and to send them on their way the next morning.

Marry me...not just in the church, but today and every day.

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