Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Gift of Mother's Day

I remember when two lines came up on the test.

I had just turned 29 and was recently married.

I took test after test wondering, is this possible, could it really be true, I'm going to be a mother?

I remember the labor and delivery of each of you.  I remember the breathing, the pushing, the praying and the counting of all 10 fingers, all 10 ten toes, and brief pause before you screamed and cried and we knew that you would be fine.

I remember fumbling my way through nursing, pumping, taking your temperature, and trying to get that damn front carrier to fit just right.

I remember countless times of reading "Goodnight Moon" and singing the A,B,C's and You are My Sunshine and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

I remember fevers, ear infections, sleepless nights, exhaustion.  First steps, first teeth, first smiles, first words, first sentences, and the day you learned to read and write.

I remember being so angry because you would not listen the first time and being so tired of repeating myself over and over and over again.

I remember cuddling with you in the chair when you first woke up from your nap and you weren't yet ready to greet the world and still needed time to adjust.

I remember hearing the word "mama" uttered from your lips and thinking that's me...and no one else.

Today Sam, you are seven.  Kate, you are four.  Claire, you are 16-months and I am 37.  You are my children and I am your mama.  Thank you for blessing me more than I could have dreamed possible and for teaching me that love in all of its forms is what matters most.  I love you beyond words.

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