Friday, May 4, 2012

Finish Line in Sight

Per a really good friend and pro-racer, I'm preparing for my half marathon with the following tips:

  1. Hydrate like it's my job...drink, pee, drink, pee, drink, pee
  2. Cut toenails to avoid blisters
  3. Familiarize myself with the course and know where the aid stations are located
  4. Body Glide is my friend...every nook, cranny, crevice, corner should be coated
  5. Get really good sleep's not the night before the race, it's 2 nights prior that make the difference
  6. Pour over the play list and make sure that the first song isn't the fastest...biggest mistake is going too fast, too quickly...conserve energy
  7. Wear supportive, comfortable shoes today and tomorrow....but NOT my running shoes...they need 48 hours for the cushion to spring back
  8. Minimize alcohol or cut it out period
  9. Eat healthy...don't just load up on carbs
  10. Pray for joy, fun, and minimal wind
And so here I am...I've been waiting for my 37th birthday, Sunday morning, May 6th for five months.  I've been getting up early to train and hoping that I would be able to run.  And, barring anything crazy looks like I should be at the race at o' dark thirty Sunday morning.

If I forget to tell you because I'm exhausted, dehydrated or beaming...thank you.  Thank you to everyone who has loved me and encouraged me on this journey.  I will carry you with me whether it rains, it shines, it's windy....I will hold you in my heart forever grateful that I'm not alone.

Here we go...

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