Friday, January 16, 2015

Praise for the Sun & Abundance

Ahhh...thank you.

Gratitude. That's really the theme of my day.

With the sun shining upon my face, days like today remind me that the cold, dark stretches of winter take their toll.  Judging by the volume of supplements and essential oils that adorn my medicine cabinet, I either struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder or am the mastermind of a flourishing drug cartel. 

Either way, the sun and its' warmth make me hopeful and grateful.  Hopeful that spring will come early and that marathon training in February, March and April might be less grueling in warmer temps and minimal snow and ice.  Grateful that it's a new year, a new beginning, and a new opportunity for positive change.

Talking to a friend the other day, I shared that every time I approach my life from a place of abundance versus deficit, I always end up in a stronger spot ripe with joy instead of fear.  When I tell myself that I am enough, I have enough and it will be enough instead of assuming that it won't, my perspective, my energy output and my attitude shift and life is full and blessed, even if certain outcomes are unknown.

But I will say that it's easier to trust in the half full cup when the sun is shining upon it and the water is glistening.  The sun seems to make it all better.  There's nothing worse than when winter has chilled you to the bone and it's all you can do not to pull the covers over your head and hibernate the day away.

So, for now, in this small space where I find myself stealing a 54 degree day in the middle of January in the heartland, I'll stay perched in a corner basking in the warmth believing that abundance, like the sun abounds.

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