Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Perils of Winter Break

This morning, I was counting down the days and feeling guilty.  Seven more.

We've played board games, read chapter books, had dance parties, gone to the park, exchanged play dates, talked about our hopes for the new year, painted rocks, baked blondies, visited family members, made Starbucks runs, cooked in the Easy Bake Oven and spent lots and lots and lots of time together.

Growing up, I thought that Christmas break was amazing...the mecca.  I played with my toys for hours, spent time with my friends on the block and in general, prayed that school would stay far, far away. 

So, why is this break so hard for me?  It seems like the kids are just fine.

If I'm honest, I thrive on routines/rituals.  I enjoy having spaced time with the girls, then with Sam, and alone with the baby.  I miss a quiet house.  I'm ready for some solitude.

Thank goodness for the sunshine and for exercise...I'm wondering though, if I should institute some adult/children play dates.  We could start drinking in the early afternoon...just to get a jump start on New Years and for some stress relief.  Sounds appealing as I'm listening to kids fighting yet again.

Anyone up for it?

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