Thursday, December 14, 2023

Ode to Claire on your 13th Birthday

December 14, 2023

My Dearest Claire,

You woke up and are officially a teenager!  13-years old!!!

As I look back, I stand in awe of what an incredible year you've had...

Crocheting everything in sight including a temperature blanket, all kinds of creatures-cows, sloths, whales, squids, hats, bags, starting your own Etsy store, and joining the sweet older ladies at church, sitting around knitting at the prayer shawl ministry.

Enjoying all things Kitaki.  Deciding that independence is a good thing and also, that it's really important to hang with the kids that don't always get the invite.

Seeing Hamilton and singing all of the words with your sister.  Along with singing to musicals every night in the shower--hoping one day, you'll get to see Hadestown.

Going to hockey games with dad, cheering on the Mavs, giving the opposing team an earful.

Giving your all to 7th grade Student Council, believing in the power of change, working to make the most of middle school.

Giving us your crazy smolder faces any chance you get--because, let's be honest, you can do them better than any of us.

To your amazing art work and love for anything creative.

To your incredible piano playing-filling our home and the talent show with the love of music.

To touring college spaces with your brother, enjoying Chicago and Minnesota, cheering him on, wearing your St. Olaf gear every chance you get.



To your silly, crazy story telling, incredible game playing, dancing girl self.  

The truth is that you've been a teenager longer than your age has counted.  Growing up as the third and youngest child, you've always been wise beyond your years.  You've watched your siblings do incredible things-and decided that you would quickly dive in and make life your own.

You're so wise, talented, and full of life.  You always have a million questions and you're never afraid to ask.  In general, you're also just not afraid of much (other than flies and bugs).  A couple of times a week, you ride the city bus to the library after school, plop down, and study or read--talking to people and asking them how their day is going.  You're not afraid to engage with older adults as you connect with grandmas who crochet and knit, and look forward to the opportunity to babysit people's kiddos.

You are the definition of pure joy and pure crazy.  Even when you're not feeling well, you can always find energy for a good joke, a funny dance move, a dumb You Tube video, or a silly story--and the best part is that you full-on do all of the voices, act out the motions, and often pee your pants because you can't help but make your own self laugh.

As you embark upon the remainder of middle school and start to consider what is next in high school--let me encourage you to not give in to the temptation to diverge from you.  It will be seductive to think you have to look a certain way, sit at a given table, or only raise your hand if you think you're right.  Don't give in to that noise.  

Cling to what you love, who you are, and how you show up in the world.  Be willing to take risks, to go out on a limb, to fail, and then to get back up again--but all on your timeline, not on the demands or expectations of the other.  Your choice to be the most authentic you will serve you well and also make you happy.

As you watch your older sister drive, engage in college exploration, and you miss your brother away at college--know that they are so proud of you.  You are smart, kind, hilarious, edgy, confident, and considerate--and they will always be rooting for you no matter where they are.

Know that dad and I could not love you more.  You are the brightest spot in the day, the purest of love and joy.  You are our Claire Bear.  And we are SO grateful to celebrate you.

All my love always, Mom


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