Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ode to Claire on Your 9th Birthday

My Dearest Claire,

Happy, Happy 9th Birthday!

My we are celebrating YOU on your special day...a day that you have been waiting for...for SO long!

You finally convinced us that you were old enough and responsible enough to get your ears pierced, even if your older sister has no desire to do so.

You also remind us regularly that self confidence is earned and what better way to do so than to kee-yah your way in the world.  This past year has seen you earn new colors of Taekwondo belts, new opportunities to earn trophies at competitions, and multiple chances to spar competitors (especially the ones who are bigger--they're your favorite).

Last spring, we celebrated a very special milestone for you, and for our family.  You were the last member to have a First Holy Communion.  It was a beautiful mass and an important reminder that you are never alone, and that God has such a beautiful purpose for your life.  Watching you twirl in your white gown and pray with family and friends made our hearts happy.

This school year, third grade keeps you very busy.  You could not be more in love with your teacher, and with reading and writing.  You've been feverishly working on a masterpiece entitled, "The Panda Story."  Most days after school and a snack, you grab your journal and my computer and you get to typing.  You've learned about dialogue, character formation, plot, the injection of humor, and the many ways to land a surprise in the midst of the tale.

Watching you grow has been crazy amazing.  Of our three children, you are indeed the most independent and self-sufficient.  You also convinced us that you were ready for a week of summer camp...and so, off you went.  Barely saying goodbye as you prepared your sleeping bag and said hello to your cabin mates, you could hardly wait for bonfires, hiking, swimming, silly songs and crafts.  And then two days before the end of camp, you called to say that you got a bug bite on your eye and that even though it was swollen, you had absolutely no intention of coming home--they just made you call to tell us.

You have a spunk, a feist, a sass, a Hutzpah about you that drives us all mad and also makes you adorable beyond measure.  You are incessantly singing pop songs and mass hymns, while also trying your hand at piano lesson ditties and You Tube medleys.  You love to tell jokes, laugh to the point of crying or peeing your pants, and tell stories about why the chicken crossed the road.

You're also the best and most frequent baker of the house.  Your all-time favorites are banana bread, scones, yellow cake, chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin pie, and really any recipe that you can get your hands on.

As you embark upon this new year, the final one before double digits, cling to your authentic self--even if the expression of it pisses us all off just a little bit.  Never doubt that your spit-fire ways will serve you well for many moons to come.  Trust in who you know yourself to be.  Keep writing.  Keep reading.  Keep imagining.  Keep reminding yourself that you are loved beyond measure--just for who you are.

And when the world feels a little blah--show up and give them what you got.

Kee-yah, Claire...we love you to the moon and back.

Love, Mama, Papa, Kate and Sam

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