Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Star of the Week

This little munchkin is Star of the Week at her preschool. 

If you don't know what that is...well, every child in the class gets one week during the school year to share who they are and what they are most known for...they bring a poster from home that highlights their favorite food, song, book, color....who their siblings and pets are...and, what they want to be when they grow up.

To which, my little 3-year old Claire Bear announced, "I want to be a mommy when I grow up."

Wow, I retorted.  That's fantastic!  Maybe, you'll be a mommy and a research scientist or an author?

"Nope...just a mommy.  I want to make macaroni and cheese and brownies and cookies and pumpkin muffins and chocolate shakes and go to the park and sing Old McDonald Had a Farm and paint nails and play My Little Ponies and go to the library."

How many kiddos do you want to have in your family?

"Um, like 22, I think.  And a dog.  I really, really want to have a pet."

And will you yell at your children?

"Yes, and give them a hug when they cry and tell them to make a positive choice."

I think you can be a mommy after you go to grade school and then high school and then undergraduate and graduate school and study abroad in at least two countries, deal?

"That's a long time away."

Yes, yes, it is.  But I think you'll find that it will be worth the wait.

"Well, maybe I don't want to do that.  I think I want to work at Starbucks."

Now, you're talking.  That's acceptable, as long as you give me limitless supplies of free coffee.


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