Monday, October 17, 2011

A Little Sprucing Up...

On Monday afternoons, I splurge and have our sweet babysitter come over and stay with the girls.  She colors with Kate, watches the baby crawl around and reads to the both of them.  For three hours, I can do what I please.  It's usually a combination of errand running and winding down...but always, it's blissful.  A time to rejuvenate, regenerate, and regroup.

Today, I decided to park myself at a local eatery and have a cup of soup.  A hot, comforting, dunk of deliciousness with a warm baguette.  While I was eating, I couldn't help but eaves drop on a fascinating conversation between who I'm assuming are family members...grandmother (a stately woman), mother (the spitting image of her elegant mom) and a fabulously dressed, incredibly flamboyant son/grandson who has recently moved home from LA where he sold his home for a mint.

He was describing the bathroom decor of his former abode to his grandmother and I was salivating.  He talked about his plans for the pad had he stayed and his excitement over taking the holiday season easy.  And then he said that he was looking for the next project.  He wanted something fresh, fun, and interesting...something that he could really sink his teeth into.

And immediately, I thought, "Me...take me on."  Like a mini-"What Not to Wear" TLC could come to my home...give me ideas on decor...rifle through my closet and help me to make combos that work for a busy mom of three.  He could do it all pro bono, of course, now that money is not a concern post his house sale.

So, I dropped him my business card and told him that I could be his pet project...fresh, fun, exciting and definitely in need of sprucing up.  Grandma was thrilled, mom hugged me and he...well...gave me a high-five.

Or so, I'd love to fantasize. All of this works out well in my fairy tale dreams.

But seriously...wouldn't that be fun?

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